On yet another occasion , software giant Microsoft has been extending its "coverage" on other platform. Just yesterday , they have release their first application to run on Apples iPhone (perhaps even on iPod Touch too). The Seadragon Mobile is a free image-browsing app that allows users to quickly "deep zoom" images while online and is intended to demonstrate what is possible with mobile platform.It is the backbone for Microsoft's Photosynth, which allows users to take a grouping of photographs and stitch them together into a faux 3D environment. an article from CNET news also mentioned that other iPhone apps are being developed at Microsofts Live Labs .
Some may welcome this move of the software giants to expand and penetrate the iPhone market, others may simply see it as another marketing strategy to display what they can do . when asked why they have the made the new application available to the iPhone first before their own mobile platform , they simply say :"The iPhone is the most widely distributed phone with a (graphics processing unit). Most phones out today don't have accelerated graphics in them. The iPhone does and so it enabled us to do something that has been previously difficult to do."
I appreciate Microsofts way of getting the best out of any available technology . They have the idea but Apple got the needed technology. Unselfishly , they decided to put it in Apple. I am not a Microsft guy or an Apple patron , I just like the way how technology is being used by anyone. I run Vista and Linux , I have an iPod and I use nokia phone so what the heck....
Some may welcome this move of the software giants to expand and penetrate the iPhone market, others may simply see it as another marketing strategy to display what they can do . when asked why they have the made the new application available to the iPhone first before their own mobile platform , they simply say :"The iPhone is the most widely distributed phone with a (graphics processing unit). Most phones out today don't have accelerated graphics in them. The iPhone does and so it enabled us to do something that has been previously difficult to do."
I appreciate Microsofts way of getting the best out of any available technology . They have the idea but Apple got the needed technology. Unselfishly , they decided to put it in Apple. I am not a Microsft guy or an Apple patron , I just like the way how technology is being used by anyone. I run Vista and Linux , I have an iPod and I use nokia phone so what the heck....