Taken from the internet T he year 2017 ended in the usual festive way. It is, therefore, just standard for us to be retrospective of the year that was and look forward to new plans for 2018. Personally, last year was life-changing. Bleak at it may seem, I managed to look at the lighter side of things. I literally stayed at home the whole year recuperating from a health issue. Instead of stumbling into depression, I resorted to code-therapy! From mid-2017, I shifted from full-time desktop developer to a wannabe web developer. It was fun, like being handed with a new toy to play around. Here is my alphabet listing of what got me interested and always looking positive last year. Angular I once have the desire to learn Angular late 2015, when it was still referred to as AngularJS. Because of work schedules and other priorities, it was buried from my bucket list. Last year was different, I had time. I started with Angular 2.0 and due to the fast releases from Google, my last ...
D ialog boxes never peeked my interest in my previous limited web development side projects, the fact that I have never seen the use of it is one reason and there is always the reliable call to Alert, which does the job that I require. Bootstrap's modal boxes are interesting but did not have time to really dive into it. Then came a chance to learn Angular. I have been playing with Angular and Angular Material for almost 2 months. Just last month, they literally broke me by breaking some of my codes with its latest release. Don't start mentioning flex, can't seem to wrap my head around it. But there's just this thing about these framework that you love and hate. For one, it's implementation of Angular Material Dialog Boxes is easy to understand. Source : Internet I had years of work relying on Windows Message Boxes for alerting just about anything. A simple call and easy to get results. string message = "Do you want to abort this operation?" ; s...