The Starwars had clone wars , today we have game console wars . With the XBOX on a down stride , the battle between PS3 and Wii are simply fun to watch . I am not a fun of any of these two , I dont even play them . I dont intend to buy one , basically because you cant code in them (hahaha) . I ran through this humor filled video that perhaps describe what in store for those trying to decide which one to take . Well , its a bias video for Wii so PS3 fans dont cry out loud ok . I am just amused .
I havent tried any one these products but I can sense the difference. PS3 is this do-it-all console that contains a lot of features (hard drives, blu-ray, intricate games, and a web browser) that simple gamers will not even mind having . Wii on the other hand contains fun games for the bored souls looking for something to waste their time on. Its your money any way , so you call the shots .
I havent tried any one these products but I can sense the difference. PS3 is this do-it-all console that contains a lot of features (hard drives, blu-ray, intricate games, and a web browser) that simple gamers will not even mind having . Wii on the other hand contains fun games for the bored souls looking for something to waste their time on. Its your money any way , so you call the shots .