I was visiting the website of my school to join the forum and i stumble upon this very funny article by my friend Don , who also was my officemate before and was also my teacher in 2 subjects back in college .
Days before the 43rd Foundation Anniversary, I dusted off my old albums to update my current playlist. After weeks of listening to Shivaree, Kate Voegele, and Simone White, I needed some good blasting in the ear. What I unearthed was Megadeth. Megadeth typified the brand of rock I never get tired of listening to: it starts out fast, is full of riffs, grooves in the middle, has a good solo, and ends just before you get tired of it while leaving you yearning for more. Their distinctive riffs, solos, and ferocious snarl was what kept me going through the four days (plus change) of this year's foundation celebrations.
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