GO DIGITAL. Print only those files you desperately need tangibly, and store everything in your hard drives , or on the Internet. This way you eliminate waste and wasting paper.
GO BLACK. Dark screens dont require as much energy as white ones. Make Blackle.com your home page . Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
SAVE UP ON ELECTRICITY. Switch to compact flourescent bulbs . This saves around 50% of your expenses . Close your Airconditioners and open your windows.
GET NEW GEAR. If your gadgets are equivalent to a teener in human years perhaps its time to upgrade . Consider a laptop instead of a desktop . It has better energy consumptions . When buying fridge or airconditioners , look for its energy efficiency ratings - the higher the better.
THREE R's. Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . Reuse what you can and think before you buy .
Source : T3 Magazine
GO BLACK. Dark screens dont require as much energy as white ones. Make Blackle.com your home page . Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
SAVE UP ON ELECTRICITY. Switch to compact flourescent bulbs . This saves around 50% of your expenses . Close your Airconditioners and open your windows.
GET NEW GEAR. If your gadgets are equivalent to a teener in human years perhaps its time to upgrade . Consider a laptop instead of a desktop . It has better energy consumptions . When buying fridge or airconditioners , look for its energy efficiency ratings - the higher the better.
THREE R's. Reduce , Reuse and Recycle . Reuse what you can and think before you buy .
Source : T3 Magazine