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Showing posts from June, 2011

Uncluttering Your Chrome Toolbar

Chrome is becoming my choice of browser, not only that its fast and lightweight, the integration of a Chrome App Store is adding excitement to the thing. But it is not easy when you got only 1 toolbar to work with, as you add more and more extensions the search bar gets eaten up. Chrome toolbar supports hiding of extensions and re-ordering to tidy up your toolbar.

Why I Don't Buy the Idea of Shuffling

The advent of the MP3 format made music more portable. Add the technology to support it, you have a legion of earphone/headphone addicts roaming everywhere. Back to the days of cassette tapes, Sonys' Walkman seems to be the in-thing. Then came the mini-CD players then Steve Jobs. Everybody else knows what MP3 is. Everywhere you see people sporting their own portable MP3/music players.

Blogger Now Supports Mobile Template

With the market for mobile devices increase, the need to access and view information on the web on formats that suit mobile devices is a must. I remember Wordpress already supported this format  a year back and I ended up saying to myself, I wish Blogger would do the same.  It turned out that I was not just looking enough, this feature existed way back December 17, 2010 .  I was playing around in my Ubuntu box and logged in to my blogger account when a pop up box asked me if I want to turn on mobile templates, that made blogger cooler than yesterday.