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The Exit Door

A few years ago , I wrote about the concept of singleton and eventually mentioned the term "Resign Patterns" in the process.  In the realm of software engineering, design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in  software design. Similarly, resignation has been a general solution to a commonly occurring problem within a workplace.  Having only passed two resignation letters since I started working, clearly shows that I was never a fan of this solution. However, it does not mean that I am not fascinated by it and that my mind is not cheerfully entertaining and  playing with the idea of bidding goodbye to my bosses at some point.

This morning, while waiting for my colleagues, my attention was caught by a seemingly regular signage. The glowing red light that reads "EXIT"  got my imagination running. 
  • Are there better opportunities beyond the exit door? 
  • Have I been playing too safe by just staying on a defined comfort zone for years?
  • Do I have the courage to explore the world beyond the door?
  • Did the door  prevent  me from reaching further possibilities? or even reaching higher grounds?
  • Are the opportunities within too enticing that I did bother getting out?

My mind continued to fly as it  searched for answers.

If there is one thing  the "resign patterns" have taught me is that, sometimes,  it is not the greener lands that leads us to the exit door.  Often, it is the breeding disappointment within that pushes us to run towards the nearest way out.  The tempting call from the outside can easily be countered by camaraderie and friendship that binds a team ( not to mention counter offers that is hard to resist ). But when the team that you stood for over the years abandons you and the organization that you served well continues to disappoint you, the way towards the exit door becomes easier to find.  If the workplace has become a breeding ground of tension, dissapointments and misunderstanding thats the time we have to bid goodbye.  Organizations never realized your true worth until you are long gone.

Yet, decisions like this, is not a simple walk in the park. When we start to think about all the things that we have to consider, we realize that the path towards the exit door is not easy. The exit sign will remain to hang on top of that door. Everyday, I will walk pass it and tease my mind to go beyond it.I will entertain the idea, I will savor the feeling of farewell and I will continue to laugh about..Till I have all my reasons and all the strenght needed to walk pass through it....



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