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Showing posts from September, 2008

Google Adsense, where is my PIN ?

For almost three or so months I was in haitus from this blog , yes I did post an article or two but that was just it. No change in layout nor enchancements . Worse , my Google Adsense is no longer showing , or if the poor guy is showing , its probably displaying a public announcement. My site is not generating much traffic for me to be concerned about those clicks and impressions that was not recorded during those adsense-free months , but the thought that it aint showing is a bit troublesome. So after poking around some FAQs about adsense , I found out that I need to enter a PIN to continue with the service . A number that they must have sent to me but somewhere along the way it was lost. So I gave another shot and requested another . After more than 3 weeks (i think) of patiently waiting , that damn PIN is not yet in my hands . DID YOU EVER SEND IT GUYS? Well if yes, I have to wait for another week or so .... To Google-Adsense Guys: Please !!!!!!

Opening Office 2007 files using Office 2003

This is a post that I should have done a year back , when Office 2007 was still on its initial phase. I hope this would still help others who have still their Office 2003 intact and dont want to move to a more resource inensive Office 2007. To be able to open your docx , xlsx or pptx ( the common files in MS Office ) using the Office 2003 , the user must be able to install the Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system from Microsoft . This , however , does not guarantee that all elements in the 2007 file can be edited in 2003. Take note that the main purpose for this pack is for backward compatibility only but it doesnt assure that all things will be all well, otherwise the point of upgrading will be "pointless". To read more about this solution as well as the link to the compatibility pack , read more of this from the Office 2007 website.

Twenty Nine

Twenty Nine draws the line between what I have to become and what I was . Its been twenty nine years in production and like any system in the world , it was never a perfect ride . In between near perfect executions , are lines of buggy codes that made it more exciting . From optimization to work arounds , life has been a combinations of hits and misses .The past nine years of the twenty nine that I already have is built around a series of upgrades, downgrades , refactoring and rebuilding to come up with either service packs or hotfixes. But just like any close-to-perfectly-architected software modules , I always seem to pick up from any exceptions . Beyond . The road map seems to be blurry still but the framework is slowly being completed . As I start to code again for a new release , this time it will be more stable .

MSLINUX , wtf!!!!

As I was playing around the web searching for some answers to my linux questions , I came across a page for MSLinux . Initially , I found it intriguing , knowing the fact that the URL seems so serious . Then I questioned myself , are the redmond giant trying their luck on the Linux affair? Well , as it turned out after reading through the entire page , it is just a pure joke (in my opinion) and I had a good time laughing on the features. Below is an overview of the supposedly MSLINUX distro . You can visit the page here. Microsoft Linux provides all the power of the Linux Operating System with the ease of use you've come to expect from Microsoft Products. Microsoft Linux brings a new level of productivity to Linux, without sacrificing flexibility, performance, and control. In addition to features like My Home Directory and My Configuration, Microsoft Linux contains greatly improved support for Web and Enterprise development. With Microsoft Linux Enterprise Edition, you can create s...

My first crack at Google Chrome

What is Google Chrome? Its a new one from search engine giant Google , a new INTERNET browser to say the least. A move to gain more market share in computing . First they had GMAIL then GoogleDocs and now Google Chrome. Upon first sight to this new baby , I tried downloading it in the office using Windows 2000 as the OS , unfortunately as of this moment only Vista and XP is supported for Microsoft . Now using XP , I spent a little time looking at the features it has to offer . I know this is just a short preview of what Chrome is, but it will give you an idea on its future. The Interface. The chrome sports a new look it terms of browser design. Its minimalistic in concept , designed for those who wants easy browsing. It radiates a light blue skin that soothes any surfers eyes and few buttons to get you going. Like any new browser , tabs are provided. Unlike other famous browser, clicking on the new tab will bring about a rather more informative page rather than a blank empty useless ...